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Excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis is a problem which can cause a great deal of social discomfort. There are various factors that may affect the release of sweat, and it differs from every person.

About 1% of the population is identified with primary hyperhidrosis, many more are possibly suffering but may not consider treatment.

However, it is essential to understand that our body requires to sweat in order to regulate its temperature. Therefore, the treatment must be to control the symptoms and not to stop the sweating altogether.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

  • Treatment by injection of Botulinum toxin type A. It ensures complete elimination of sweat glands in the organ. It should be repeated every 6-12 months.

  • Another treatment may be Iontophoresis. It is a water treatment that sends electric currents to the skin to combat sweat production. The treatment may be given two or three times a week and usually last for 10-20 minutes.

  • Surgery of sweat glands. It is a relatively new treatment performed only in the armpits.

  • Laser treatment as used in laser vein removal can also be used to treat excessive sweating.

  • A deodorant is often prescribed by medical professionals to control sweating in the armpits.

  • Remedies that help cleanse the body organs will prove the most effective in the long run. These may include herbal supplements, dietary changes and even exercise or meditation.

You must seek the advice of a qualified and experienced medical professional in determining the cause of your excessive sweating problems and for the suitable treatment.